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Communication Remains Key in Child Custody

Monday, June 18, 2018

Written by Norman A. Green

Categories: Family Law Child Custody

Tags: Child Custody Shared Custody Divorce

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Child Custody in Vero Beach

When it comes to post-divorce child custody, the one issue that cannot be emphasized enough is communication – both between ex-spouses and between parents and children. Parents must maintain an open communication with their ex-spouse, regardless of how hostile their divorce may have been. In doing this, the children can benefit from the input and time spent with both parents.

At the law firm of Green & Metcalf of Vero Beach, FL, our attorneys work hard to help arrange custody agreements that work for everyone affected by the divorce.

“Divorce is rarely a happy event, so we’re already dealing with unhappiness from the beginning, which may be one of the main reasons we work so hard to find a solution that will make the children as happy as possible in the situation,” said Norman Green, Senior Partner at Green & Metcalf of Vero Beach, FL.

Shared Custody in Vero Beach

As part of a shared custody agreement, parents should make sure children know that they were not responsible for the parents split. For young children especially, they should be reminded that they will continue to be loved by both parents, and will be able to spend time with both parents – as much as court documents allow. In this way, child custody doesn’t have to be wholly detrimental to the family unit, and can allow for some semblance of a normal life for children.

“With any child custody case, it’s so important for children to have contact with both parents whenever possible. The benefits of this have been studied and we’ve also seen evidence that shows co-parenting and constant communication to be the most beneficial living situation for any child of divorce,” Green said.

Norman A. Green is the founder and a partner of Green & Metcalf, P.A. He has over 40 years of experience in the practice fields of criminal defense and family law (divorce, child custody, child support, paternity, modifications of existing orders, prenuptial agreements and alimony cases).

Norman A. Green is the founder and a partner of Green & Metcalf - Attorneys At Law. He has over 40 years of experience in the practice fields of criminal defense and family law (divorce, child custody, child support, paternity, modifications of existing orders, prenuptial agreements and alimony cases).

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